

Welcome! It's Mira. MY|IRL-based. Thanks for dropping by! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
A caffeine-fueled drunken Med girlie at your service (I guess).

To reach me asap, contact me as per below;
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It's been 4 years.... already......?!

Assalamualaikum and hi. Phew... I guess I left this blog for quite a long time..... Woah now that I am walking back on my memory lane, I did remember when I wrote that I would be diligently, and thoroughly documenting every ounce of my memory ever since I left for Ireland so that I could look back and re-live the moment but little did I know that not only the memories and moments in Ireland that I missed, but the not-so-long-I-guess 4 years, or would I say the entirety of my medical (and nonmedical of course) journeys of 5 years. No wonder people say that times pass by in the blink of an eye. It was clear how I went back to this blog during my first year in medical school at RCSI in 2019, and now I returned after I ended my medical school at RUMC. 

Yes, like holy yeah baby, I graduated medical school!!!!!! CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE IT???? CAUSE MAN, IT'S SURREAL. (although I graduated two months ago and passed my last papers and pro-exam one month previously... oh yeah, I would be back with another entry on my graduation day)

I just wanted to re-visit my blog, and out of nowhere, I decided to write again, (with the intention to sharpen my English and writing because I DO SUCK IN ENGLISH plz I know I studied in Ireland and I have a medical degree but my English is so mediocre plz don't throw shades and hates on me..... I'm just a girl...... a baby girl.....). For now, I just want to say hi to the non-existent readers of my blog, and I might come again with a few entries a few days later.

Warm regards,

An unemployed medical degree holder fella. Cheers. 

Ohhhh, just a p/s: the photo above was the last day of Surgery tutorial with Prof. Dato' Manjit. I like him, I love Surgery, and I miss having the pressure and worries awaiting and circulating through my mind 24/7. Cause now I'm just an unemployed mindless fella. 

Bye again. 


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RCSI Registration Day

Assalamualaikum and hi. I bet everyone already knows that I finally enrolled in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland or famously known as RCSI. Alhamdulillah, got a chance to study at my dream's uni. All praise to Him.

A little update on my current life; supposedly, I'm planning to update the missed events in my blogs worth of two years stories during this MCO phase but lately I kinda busy with everything evolved in my life. I just finished my final semester examinations last two weeks and just received the result yesterday. Alhamdulillah, I passed all modules and this marked the end of my year 1 or Junior Cycles 1&2 in RCSI (tho I'm going to tell you guys my first day in RCSI in a couple minutes later hehe). I also busy with the hand over things of society works - I was a committee, an IT Officer in SEA Society; a SouthEast Asian society in RCSI. I worked for the new applicants' slides, the votings system, etc. And, I suddenly into creating a video that I made my first travelogue when I visited Morocco; it's available on YouTube now, you may hit my YouTube channel for that. Then, my family are going through some house renovation that I currently plan for my room re-decorations. And, on top of that, I also work for my photobooks for my travel series. Haih, so many things to get done.

Okay, done with the updates, let us went back to the first day I entered RCSI. Everything was so new for me, hey, I'm finally a university student (tho RCSI was called as College, and sometimes school cause of the 'Med School', but still, it's a university, Okie T__T) !! Can you believe that? Times do flies in a blink of eyes! Everything was so surreal, me being in a foreign land, surrounds by foreigners with a variety of backgrounds (RCSI is an International college comprises of enchanting cultural diversity; from East to West; Black to White and everything that resonate within it; everyone stands strong in unity). Pictures below; 'Ainaa in front of RCSI's York Building and Aqif and Syamil playing pool inside the Locker's room. RCSI provides facilities for entertainment in its building; there're games of Snooker tables, Fifa, Piano, Board games, Movie theatre (amphitheatre), Music room, and Foosball table (my fav!!!).


On the first day, we ought to register, make student's card, take school's supplies, minor orientation around college, peer mentor sessions and many more registration things - bank, contract, etc. What I meant when I mentioned school's supplies is, we need to collect our MacBook Air from college! RCSI is known for giving off MacBook Air so that students have a similar tech supply; all RCSI students have the same exact MacBook Air and in a lecture hall, you may see a wave of Apple's MacBook. A friend from UCD was surprised to see 85% of the hall filled with Apple's products. 


There's two main lecture theatre that we often used; O'Flanaggen and Desmond; the Desmond hall is a big modern-built meanwhile O'Flanaggen is an ol'skool one but I love the latter better. Told you what, RCSI buildings, tho it was a small college compound comprises of two main buildings for Medicine, the interior was totally a maze! Can't ensure how many times I get lost in the early days. But I'm glad since RCSI is the uni that concerns the students' welfare, everyone is totally being welcome, no one would eventually felt lost. Unlike most university abroad, RCSI offers two praying rooms separating both genders and they also allocate water jet for Muslim friendly. I said this because this is crucial. The water jet is life, it's so damn precious here. I'm totally grateful for that. I have no problem going to toilets for defecation or whatnot cause we have reliable water supply here huhu. 


The first-year students, the freshers, are welcomed with two weeks carnival; RCSI's Student Union made so much initiative to ensure that every one of us feels welcome here that they initiated too many activities (& parties :p) for us through societies. RCSI allocated more than 50 societies for students to engage with. You may see the carnival timeline that we had as per below. 

For students card, bro, there were four booths for that. The pictures were manually taken that we can categorise the booths as first, the perfect booth, good lighting and good proportion. Second, good lighting, bad proportion (full body picture???!!), thirdly, bad lighting, good proportion and lastly, the worse, bad lighting and proportion. I was fortunate to fall in the third category though my id turned me with the darker picture but nevermind. I can't tolerate the full-body picture more. 


The first day was a mixture of excitement and tiredness. I can't remember how much I walked that day but it's totally fun. However, I don't know how but I usually turned into an introvert every time I surrounded with foreigners, inferiority complex? Should be true. I hardly speak and get my mouth shut most of the time. It's hard to speak out around them, I felt insecure and inferior. My English was bad, I..... embarrassed to talk. I felt bad for this, promise myself I should be brave and speak out more. Hopefully, this too, shall pass isn't it?

Hey, thank you for reading! I might be far from blogging for a while. Got to sort everything that I mentioned earlier first. Till we meet again. Assalamualaikum :)


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Hola, Republic of Ireland

Assalamualaikum and hi. So 31st Aug 2019 marked the day I left Malaysia for Ireland. It has always been a dream for me to be there, to study in my dream uni since the age of 12 years old. Back then, I only used to send my abang off when he studied in Germany. Seeing how nice to live abroad and how fantastic the idea of it made me dream of becoming a medical student in Ireland. I did plan this since the very young of me, at the age of 12, I have no particular career path yet, I just lived on and follow the path of my life to find that I set my heart for the medical field.

Throughout my high school days, I made it clear, to myself, to people around me that I'm going to pursue in this field. At first, I want it to be dentistry but our path didn't cross that I got to enrol in medicine instead. Back in high school, I planned my career path all too well, I need to score PT3 so that I got into science stream class, I need to get 9As for SPM so that I can get into the medical field as well as get the chance for a scholarship, I need to get into a preparatory college so that I can go abroad, and Alhamdulillah for everything. In short, the planning goes like this, science stream class > score SPM > get into Kolej Mara Banting > RCSI to pursue Dentistry; praise to Him I accomplished everything despite a bit different along with the planning; I didn't enrol in Kolej Mara Banting but Kolej Mara Seremban; I can't pursue in Dentistry but Medicine, still in RCSI. 

If you ever ask me what I do for these? Yes, sure, everything is under His wills and everyone around you who wishes and makes du'a for you, I'm so sure with this, but from my point of view, the goals that you set from the very start of your journey will take you to a certain far. When you plan, you eventually know the things you're going to face, and this likely to get you to be ready for any challenge upholds upon you. And, most importantly, the blessings, from Him, your family, teachers and friends. Take good care of the flows of blessings in life. Everything will flow in a definite path. 

Enough flashbacks for these. My last August was so busy, we had kenduri kesyukuran, graduation and fly off at the same week. I used to see my parents cried when they sent my abang away and this time, I witnessed my family, ibu, ayah, apit and amir cried to send me off. Well, how can you let go the most manja adik bongsu in the house go far, about ~11 000km away from home? Here are some pictures to send me off :) And thank you to my family members and friends who came (tho, indirectly for me as well hehe) - aishah, paan, tini and others. Thank you, Aishah for the cookies hehe <3





Among the others, Medicine students were the first one to fly away. Well, we arrived there 5 days early from our orientation but that was nice to go around Dublin, to get familiarise and settle down. I don't have proper pictures on our first day there but a post regarding Dublin will be here later hehe. 

Thank you for making it here. Assalamualaikum. 

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Kenduri Kesyukuran

Assalamualaikum and hi. As my kenduri kesyukuran arrived, it personally indicated that my time in Malaysia almost hits the end. I'm finally going to fly to Ireland for good. My kenduri, haha I wanted it to be super simple but ibu said, "adik, ibu ayah ni cikgu, ramai kawan, kena ajak, takpe la dalam 800 orang je" and I just let my mom planned for everything. Ainaa and her family came along with Fish. Mak Ainaa said dah macam kenduri kahwin haha meh, what shall I do, all are my mom planning tho hoho

I seriously don't really get involved with the planning; tempah makan, khemah-goodies-undangan-everything my mom did. Even I didn't invite my teachers myself cause my mom will handle it as well. Some of my teachers are new teachers that my mom barely knows so she just invited teachers that she get used to knowing only. Cause of that, my physics teacher was upset with me for not being invited as she saw a picture of me and one of the invited teacher on Facebook. huhu RIP myself. Up to this day I'm scared to visit my school for the fact that my physics teacher would still be upset with me hehe

I would sincerely thank everyone who came to my kenduri, kawan-kawan ayah and ibu, my teachers from primary school up to high school, neighbours and my childhood friends. Thanks for making up your time to be here though I barely can layan everyone enough huhu soz. And thank you to Ainaa and family and Fish for making it here despite the distance, sorry for making you guys came all the from Shah Alam huhu. And here, marked the official between Ainaa and Fish tau hahaha after kena paksa dengan Ainaa's mom and sister, kak Aliaa. And to Aiman and the gang, thank you for coming as well. Ipah would love it if Peta and Shiedan come along in any occasions in future as well hahaha. 


Thank you for reading. Till we meet again hehe, Assalamualaikum.

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First High-end Cosmetics; Dior

Assalamualaikum and hi. Today, I'm going to review some products that I bought from Sephora. Since I'm a makeup beginner, I wish to purchase products that are beginner free that I chose BB Cushion instead of liquid foundation etc. Supposedly, I wish to purchase Estee Lauder's Double Wear BB Cushion but unfortunately, sold out as well as Clinique's BB Cushion. Since this was the first time I bought such products, I barely know suitable code for my skin that I asked my abang just randomly choose which one that he might think suits me. Yap, I bought these with the help of my abang (tho, tbh, he the one who paid for it :p)

Cause both my choices were sold out due to Sephora's sales back then, but Dior's product range still available and I got myself in the code of 1W. Bruh, this was my first high-end makeup product that the packaging so high class damn I cried.

My review; BB Cushion was nice, light to medium coverage; dark spots still require concealer and it gives off a matte finishing. Light, since it's a compact BB cushion, easy to carry anywhere. Little noticeable fragrance but not irritable on my skin.

Well, I only asked my abang to buy me BB Cushion but he bought me a Dior Balm as well. It's in the shade of Coral. Quoting him, this is the only colour that has no shimmering effect; cause I kinda not fancy shimmery things.

My review; Dior Balm was greeaaaaattttttt. Worth the penny though it was quite expensive, hey, what's to expect from Dior? but the balm was nice. No noticeable fragrance but the packaging so cute and it moisturises the lips great. Change the colour of lips into a pinky natural shade. Love it. Moistures last quite long compared to other balms in the store.

As I said, I'm still a newbie in this field, I have no higher skill or to even be called a pro, but this was my genuine reviews. I'm a bit tacky in reviewing tho huhu might improvise my reviewing skill later hehe. Love the fact that I finally got the high-end products in my hands :' Alhamdulillah.

Thank you for reading, Assalamualaikum.


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Eid Mubarak 2020

Assalamualaikum and hi. Eid Mubarak everyone! Hopefully, everyone had a blast yesterday and going to be blessed during this eve. In this pandemic, we all truly faced a phase where everything goes against the plan, but He knows better. Supposedly, this year going to be my last eid's celebration before I planned to celebrate abroad for the next, next years. Experiencing to celebrate eid abroad shall be a great experience, is it? However, this year's celebration a bit gloomy, my abang couldn't make it home, we were far away from other family members and can't salam-cium-laga-pipi per usual, not really a big eid feast and no proper complete pictures. Not really a good last eid in Malaysia tho :(

We were in rush pagi Raya, WhatsApp can only accommodate 4 numbers and we, the big fam needs to make more than 3 rounds of video called that morning. And also, not to forget Uwan who also cried in every VC rounds as she can't make it to meet her children and grandchildren. But everyone was so happy to see each other that morning, that's shall be fine. 

Unfortunately, no proper eid photos to show cause the weather wasn't cooperating much, even the weather was crying heavily to illustrate the feelings of those who were part aways. Nah, health is the most important matter, right? But then again, it's #covEID 2020 hehe

Btw, I team #TeamRayaNogori #TeamRayaPurple; well I don't know whether it's purple or grey because it can be seen as both; so, Purplish Grey? And I totally colour clash, my attire was purplish-grey, the shawl was dusty pink from Beaunina, the heels were white, bought it from Primark and my bag was brown. Am I a clown? hoho I'm a makeup beginner and I kinda like my 20 minutes makeup that day hehe watched the tutorial from Putreeo btw; can't spend more time with that caused everyone rushed me caused another fam already called for VC huhu



Alhamdulillah, we still can cross the districts that we can visit some fam in Pilah. It was kinda weird seeing how lonely and quiet Pilah was when it usually took us 2-3 hours to get there every time during the Eid. And alhamdulillah that I still eligible to get duit Raya despite being alive for 21 years already hehe, asalkan tak bekerja lagi, am I right? huhu


This year was rather special, but grateful that Malaysian still followed the rules tho it was hard to obey to. It's for the future, it's for the better, insha'Allah.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed the eve. Assalamualaikum.  


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Biro Tatanegara (BTN)

Assalamualaikum and hi. Disclaimer; everything that I wrote recently and going to write during this MCO were all happened in the past. I couldn't get the time to do so back then, so this is the effort of mine to reincarnate everything, InsyaAllah. Most of these happened back in 2019. Latest updates on 2020 will be stated later, sorry for confusions huhu

Biro Tata Negara was a patriotic-compulsory program for MARA students who intended to study abroad so that they kinda could incorporate the love for the country, Malaysia. This camp was a 3 days and 2 nights program. I'm not sure regarding others, I think JPA also sent their students for such program as well. As for my college, the students were divided into 3 groups which then allocated to different sites; I was in Series 3 camp at Nur Bukit Unggul Eco Resort. Bruh, forget bout anything, Digi got no coverage at all. 

I don't want to talk ill regarding the facilities, it was so-so and the program was quite meh. But, hey, I can't forget that we need to walk almost 5-6 km or even more for the night until dawn. Walking nonstop and played games at each point. My uncle's house was 5km away from the site, how I wish I can go run there instead, huh. Here are snippets from the camp with some KMS girls :)

Camp activities were all the same, survival kit, spiritual, etc, etc. One thing that I totally remember was when my abang (Amir), came to the site, sent me good foods -- apam balik cheese& 4fingers in a Nur Sajat's paper bag. And the facilitator called out my name in front of all participants (KMS& KMB) and when everyone roasted me for that haha I totally can't be free with this kind of jokes. 

Oh yeah, and on my way to the camp, I got a call from RUMC person but sorry, Digi totally has limited coverage that I turned down the call "Sorry, I was on my way to a camp. Could u call me back on the next Monday?" suka hati kan main suruh suruh future uni's person calls balik later huhu. My friends got the same call as well and the uni's representative was going to ask regarding uni choice (to choose either RCSI or UCD) and regarding the exam we had before; Alhamdulillah nasib baik turned down the call hoho

To be frank, there's no significant things happened here, biasalah kena jerit, tengking, jerkah time camp, nothing's new. But the side funny stories along with the time frame that's matter. To sum up, got a call from RUMC on the way to camp but turned it down; hostel got only one small ceiling fan that needs to cool down 11 people, crazy is it? I can't feel any cool at all! (this urged 'Ainaa and I to step out of the room and went to Surau at the main centre so that we can sleep there with a proper airflow lol; lepas tu time nak balik bilik, kantoi dengan budak KMB hoho); walked >5km for nonsense activities up till dawn; abang sent foods and me being roasted for that.

Another good experience indeed. I'm a keeper, I value and welcome all sorts of experience. I cherish them. That, the main reason behind this web -- to keep track of my memory lane. 

Told ya the only fan that works there was in the surau only. 

Thank you for reading. Assalamualaikum. 


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Graduated from KMS

Assalamualaikum and hi. Hey people, I proudly announced that I.......... finally graduated from Kolej Mara Seremban!! If you have followed my previous stories, you might as well notice that I was very in deep worries and contemplated to enrol here in the first place. I scared that I might not adapt here and would do poor but alhamdulillah, all praise to Him. I managed to get through and eventually graduated.

Hehe, I got three flowers bouquets that day, thank you Ayah and Amir (Bang Ngah) for coming all the way here. I am nothing without my family. Thank you for the endless supports and weekly visits/pickups which got me enlisted into the PBSM -- Persatuan Balik Setiap Minggu hehe. 

International Baccalaureate, even the name of that program shows how hard it is. All-rounded? It's easier said than done. IB was totally an emotional roller coaster ride; either you had fun along the ride or die in the middle. Procrastination is a totally no-NO in this program but, heh, my lazy ass still couldn't get it together. Nevertheless, I graduated IB, I completed it, alhamdulillah. 

Here's one of my fav teacher, the one who always, alwayyssss listen to us - be it educational or Nah random things, teacher Khalilie. Bio was fun with you and your educational& intelligent joke. You know what, once, she said: "you guys patut tahu issue terkini regarding Malaysia, bukan tahu yang Zayn Malik dah breakup je." Bruh, most of us tak tahu pun Zayn broke up with Gigi that time till she mentioned it lmao XD

My result, it ain't all good, ain't all waltz, but (again) alhamdulillah, with that, I managed to pursue Medicine for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) under a twinning program; RUMC-RCSI which indicates that I'm going to spend 2 and half years in Ireland and 2 and half years in Penang. A post regarding this will be updated soon, InshaAllah.

Kolej Mara Seremban always has that tradition where each batch going to have their own graduation's theme colour. Past seniors; Royale (Black&Gold); Excelsior (Red/Maroon) and for us, Estrella (Electric Blue&Grey) - we even got that privilege to receive a custom made grey-shawl with DR's building as the decoration, well, it's quite lmao but thankyou, college. Personally, I got issues with the chosen theme, I mean, excuse me, Electric Blue???? The same-dr-building-shawl???? but guys, sis redha. And many of us just went against it by wearing Navy Blue and others satin silver shawl sorta. 

Nothing much happened during graduation, so, let's the pictures speak :) 
pst; finally got proper pictures with dearest genk (read; gangs <3) - Tah Pape (mia; thirah); Kaum Kel. Also, classmates, 13.2 :)

To be honest, I barely have proper English education that forced me to go through everything. Government-based schools got to learn in full Malay but I swear students shall be exposed to English-ed, I know it's all about memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu but reality bites, isn't it? English is the world's language, by hook or crook, everything got to be done in English. I learned it in a hard way, truly. 

IB would be such an experience. God bless everyone who gets through everything and ease anything throughout the way with me.  No words can describe, for sure. Valuable, valuable experience, I suppose. Alhamdulillah.

Thank you for making it up here, reading all my rants -- parts of my life. Feel free to drop any words. Thank you for reading. Assalamualaikum. 

Btw, p/s: sumpah from all these pictures I rasa eyebrows I tak wujud. I mean lmao kening aku hilang sksksksk ingatkan eyelashes je huhu

P/s/s; each student got a personal picture on stage as well as the whole batch's picture but hahaha sadly idk where I put all those, surely going to update this post with those pictures when I found them later. 


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