RCSI Registration Day
Assalamualaikum and hi. I bet everyone already knows that I finally enrolled in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland or famously known as RCSI. Alhamdulillah, got a chance to study at my dream's uni. All praise to Him.
A little update on my current life; supposedly, I'm planning to update the missed events in my blogs worth of two years stories during this MCO phase but lately I kinda busy with everything evolved in my life. I just finished my final semester examinations last two weeks and just received the result yesterday. Alhamdulillah, I passed all modules and this marked the end of my year 1 or Junior Cycles 1&2 in RCSI
(tho I'm going to tell you guys my first day in RCSI in a couple minutes later hehe). I also busy with the hand over things of society works - I was a committee, an IT Officer in SEA Society; a SouthEast Asian society in RCSI. I worked for the new applicants' slides, the votings system, etc. And, I suddenly into creating a video that I made my first travelogue when I visited Morocco; it's available on YouTube now, you may hit my YouTube channel for that. Then, my family are going through some house renovation that I currently plan for my room re-decorations. And, on top of that, I also work for my photobooks for my travel series. Haih, so many things to get done.
Okay, done with the updates, let us went back to the first day I entered RCSI. Everything was so new for me, hey, I'm finally a university student (
tho RCSI was called as College, and sometimes school cause of the 'Med School', but still, it's a university, Okie T__T) !! Can you believe that? Times do flies in a blink of eyes! Everything was so surreal, me being in a foreign land, surrounds by foreigners with a variety of backgrounds
(RCSI is an International college comprises of enchanting cultural diversity; from East to West; Black to White and everything that resonate within it; everyone stands strong in unity). Pictures below; 'Ainaa in front of RCSI's York Building and Aqif and Syamil playing pool inside the Locker's room. RCSI provides facilities for entertainment in its building; there're games of Snooker tables, Fifa, Piano, Board games, Movie theatre (amphitheatre), Music room, and Foosball table
(my fav!!!).
On the first day, we ought to register, make student's card, take school's supplies, minor orientation around college, peer mentor sessions and many more registration things - bank, contract, etc. What I meant when I mentioned school's supplies is, we need to collect our MacBook Air from college! RCSI is known for giving off MacBook Air so that students have a similar tech supply; all RCSI students have the same exact MacBook Air and in a lecture hall, you may see a wave of Apple's MacBook. A friend from UCD was surprised to see 85% of the hall filled with Apple's products.

There's two main lecture theatre that we often used; O'Flanaggen and Desmond; the Desmond hall is a big modern-built meanwhile O'Flanaggen is an ol'skool one but I love the latter better. Told you what, RCSI buildings, tho it was a small college compound comprises of two main buildings for Medicine, the interior was totally a maze! Can't ensure how many times I get lost in the early days. But I'm glad since RCSI is the uni that concerns the students' welfare, everyone is totally being welcome, no one would eventually felt lost. Unlike most university abroad, RCSI offers two praying rooms separating both genders and they also allocate water jet for Muslim friendly. I said this because this is crucial. The water jet is life, it's so damn precious here. I'm totally grateful for that. I have no problem going to toilets for defecation or whatnot cause we have reliable water supply here huhu.

The first-year students, the freshers, are welcomed with two weeks carnival; RCSI's Student Union made so much initiative to ensure that every one of us feels welcome here that they initiated too many activities (& parties :p) for us through societies. RCSI allocated more than 50 societies for students to engage with. You may see the carnival timeline that we had as per below.
For students card, bro, there were four booths for that. The pictures were manually taken that we can categorise the booths as first, the perfect booth, good lighting and good proportion. Second, good lighting, bad proportion (full body picture???!!), thirdly, bad lighting, good proportion and lastly, the worse, bad lighting and proportion. I was fortunate to fall in the third category though my id turned me with the darker picture but nevermind. I can't tolerate the full-body picture more.


The first day was a mixture of excitement and tiredness. I can't remember how much I walked that day but it's totally fun. However, I don't know how but I usually turned into an introvert every time I surrounded with foreigners, inferiority complex? Should be true. I hardly speak and get my mouth shut most of the time. It's hard to speak out around them, I felt insecure and inferior. My English was bad, I..... embarrassed to talk. I felt bad for this, promise myself I should be brave and speak out more. Hopefully, this too, shall pass isn't it?
Hey, thank you for reading! I might be far from blogging for a while. Got to sort everything that I mentioned earlier first. Till we meet again. Assalamualaikum :)
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