Happy Eid Mubarak
July 2, 2017

To be frank, i dont even have the mood or had the raya vibes before and even during the raya. Why? The main reason is, the more hari raya flew away, the nearer it could be to my registration day. Hahahaha don't laugh or get mad to me hahaha i swear i such a baby kiddo. Guys, please be considerable, it is the first time, for me, to be a part from family. And the fact of me being the youngest, the manja-ness could not be gone, okay? Hehe
Well, my raya day, the first eid day aint much more different than usual. Sleep early before the raya, went to the mosque for hari raya prayer, changed for baju raya (no its not a baju raya like a new one cause i wore the same baju during my cousin's wedding's day), the salam-mintak-ampun-mintak-duit-raya ceremony and went back to hometown. I live in Jempol and my hometown is Pilah, so its only took us 30 minutes to be there, in hometown. As we got there, we began to have guests, the sanak saudara belah mana mana je la, came, had some chats and bla bla the same routine. I wont nagged so long as the storyline, mine, would be the same as yours, no? So, i just would leave some sneak peeks of my eid's photos hehe

here, another combo from a perasan girl like me lol. as i typing here, my days for college are getting nearer. i am trembling on how would i survive but when it comes to eid's month, who cares? i want rendang, lemang, lodeh, duit raya of course!! compulsory duh and mercun bunga api and etc.
However, as i getting older, i noticed nowadays raya aint the same as the old one. Reality bites. I so pity with these kids, they didnt have a taste of going to raya from one house to one house every day, getting 50 cents as duit raya, having a mercun war with the other kids from the other houses, getting kad raya from close friends and so on. All i can see from the new generations are playing with tablets. Playing games, socializing thru phones, no chatters between ones, no making friends with the other kids from the other housing area or what not. Pity, pity.
Well, whatever, they (the kids) doesnt care btw. lol. Happy Eid again, everyone! :)
So, how your raya? Dont be hesitated to share yours! I would be glad to read so
Thanks for reading, Assalamualaikum.
Labels: family
Syazana said...
don't worry you'll do go in college :) (new reader here) and selamat hari raya!
Anis Farhana said...
Dekat kampung saya budak budak still kutip duit raya sampai ke petang haha. Selamat hari raya :) and goodluck!
Rasya | nurulrasya.com said...
selamat hari raya!
omg baju lawa sangat
omg baju lawa sangat