Choices to choose
May 24, 2017

Before i continue my stories, tahniah diucapkan untuk rakan sekelas yang berjaya mendapat tawaran untuk menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi; u guys are rock! we did it. Mostly my classmates dah pergi mendaftar since ramai dapat uitm and uitm the only one yang daftar awal I guess, except form 6 la. Sekarang ni memasing duk payung gambar orientasi said their orientation was great la, boring la, penat la kena bangun awal and etc. Its fun to see their happiness but how about me? I still here, in home, thinking, where i should future my studies huhuhu
As you can see, I got an offer for foundation, ahh let me list what kind of programs that I got as offers;
1. Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan (Science)
2. University of Malaya (Foundation in Life Science)
3. Kolej Mara Seremban (International Baccalaureate in Science)
Okay, firstly i made a decision to turn down the Matrikulasi's offer and will go through either Pasum (UM's Foundation Centre) or KMS (The IB). I had serious problem on choosing which one i would pursue. Oh yes, last entry i've posted stated that I went to Mara's Scholarship interview, and alhamdulillah i got the scholarship (or should i call it as loan actually?) so that i ended up with the ib program. Fyi, the one who chose the program under Mara was my eldest brother. I let him since i knew he would know better.
After the upu's result coming out, i prayed hard to get Pasum and alhamdulillah i got it. My eldest bro was happy but he still said that he hoped that i will get Mara... um yeahhh... ib... But i excitedly print out the forms from UM's web, reading blogs about Pasum, asking seniors about their experiences in Pasum and everything in between. My life started to turn upside down when i got a message said i got Mara's Loan. I can say most of my family members agreed to send me to KMS but........ okay let me list the pros and cons of em first;
- 2 semester only which is end in a year
- Aida is there (my close friend)
- Its in the center of Malaysia (Kl la tu kan lol)
- The allowance comes from kpt which is not so many lol
- The syllabus and subjects are hard
- They said for our batch, it would be a new system
- I need to score 4.0 if i want to pursue in dentistry for degree
- Its in the center of capital (this could be both pro and con haha)
- I get sponsorhip from Mara (until i graduate, insyaAllah)
- Ib's is certified internationally
- Its in Seremban (so near with my house)
- I get the experiences on how to do thesis and those that would be helpful for my degree years
- Mara doesnt send the ib's students to oversea anymore (ya la oversea tak penting, not the main reason but..... dont you get me? this is the main reason for me why i doubted to choose ib hahaha lol dont blame me pls), means that i will pursue in local universities only
- 4 semester which is end in 2 years (i would be a year late than my friends who took foundation)
- Ib's subjects are freaking tough hard not-easy and all the adjectives go on.......
- I need to score 37/45 points to pursue in the local unis
- Its seremban (nahhh i live in negeri sembilan and i was raised here and the only place we went for having fun (the most frequent la) is Seremban, im stuck here again? hello?) lol
So, this is my thoughts. Its hard to make a choice. Like i've said, if i spent my two years studying IB which is hard like hell, and at the end just pursue in local unis..... if i choose Pasum, i can't guarantee i would excel there, got 4.0 flat and i dont know if i would get schorship anymore. I really need some times to think wisely. Guys, if you have some thoughts, opinions or anything to share or help me with my dilemma, please drop your comments below. I appreciate it a lot.
Thanks for reading. Assalamualaikum.
Labels: personal
Anis Farhana said...
Goodluck! Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan :)